Best Tools For 360-Degree Feedback Review And Appraisal System

Key Takeaways:

  1. Introduction:
    • The 360-degree feedback appraisal system is highly effective for qualitative performance measurement, offering a comprehensive overview.
    • Proper training and tools are essential for efficient execution, with automation playing a key role in simplifying the feedback process.
  2. Features of a Great 360-Degree Feedback Tool:
    • Real-time Feedback:
    • Anonymity:
      • Anonymity in 360-degree surveys ensures honest feedback, crucial for maintaining healthy relationships within the organization.
    • Feedback from Multiple Sources:
      • Multi-rater feedback includes peers, superiors, subordinates, clients, and self-assessment for a comprehensive evaluation.
    • Simple and User-Friendly:
      • User-friendly interface and flow are essential for a tool that caters to a large employee base, avoiding the need for extensive training.
    • Customizable:
      • The tool should be adaptable to specific business needs and review models, reflecting the uniqueness of each organization.
  3. Best 360-Degree Feedback Tools in 2023:
    • SpiderGap:
      • Focuses on delivering easy-to-understand reports, rated between 4 and 5 stars on review websites.
    • SurveySparrow:
      • Result-oriented, mobile-first tool with features like custom surveys, 360-degree evaluations, and high response rates.
    • Survey Monkey:
      • A global market leader with attractive and compelling survey templates, offering multiple plans and achieving high ratings.
    • Alchemer:
      • Positioned for market researchers, it serves HR well in collecting and managing employee feedback, rated above 4.5 stars.
    • Qualtrics:
    • Trakstar:
      • All-encompassing performance management software with tools for reviews, engagement surveys, and 360-degree evaluations.
    • Typeform:
      • Spanish software specializing in building engaging online forms, providing a user-friendly interface and affordable pricing.
    • 15five:
      • A holistic performance management platform used by organizations like Hubspot and Spotify, achieving above 4.5-star ratings.
    • Hi5:
      • An HR tool for ongoing recognition and performance measurement, with interactive features and an average rating of 4.5 stars.
    • Zonka Feedback:
      • A simple yet powerful tool for customized surveys, known for its availability in multiple languages and high ratings (4.8 stars).


The 360-degree feedback appraisal system is one of the best techniques for measuring and reviewing employee performance in qualitative areas. It provides a holistic overview of employee performance. It has many advantages that have made it one of the most widely used appraisal methods across many industries and companies of different sizes.

The efficiency of this technique lies in the training and the tools used to plan and execute this feedback mechanism. Taking elaborate feedback through questionnaires from peers, superiors, subordinates, and even customers, in some cases, is very time-consuming. So the right tool can help you ease the process for HR teams and accomplish the same in a time-effective manner by automating the feedback mechanism.

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5 Features of a Great 360-Degree Feedback Tool

A 360-degree feedback tool must essentially have these features to bring in the efficiency required:

  1. Real-time feedback

The tool must have the facility of collecting real-time feedback from peers, superiors, etc., continuously and throughout the year so that the same is used to enhance employee performance.

  1. Anonymity

360-feedback surveys are anonymous, and the reviewer details are not shared with the employee who is being reviewed. This anonymity is crucial to maintain healthy relationships within the organization and to ensure honest feedback.

  1. Feedback from Multiple Sources

This multi-rater feedback technique allows an employee to get reviews from peers, superiors, subordinates, clients, as well as self. An effective multi-rater feedback tool must enable the same.

  1. Simple and User Friendly

Any tool that needs to be used by many employees needs to be easy to understand and use. If it requires additional training it is probably not meant for the masses. Hence, 360-degree feedback software should also be one with a user-friendly interface and flow.

  1. Customizable

Every organization is unique, so maybe their review models and feedback requirements. The feedback tool should have the ability to be tailored to specific business needs.

Best 360-Degree Feedback Tools in 2023

The above 5 features are a must for any 360-degree feedback software. Based on these, below is a list of the 10 top 360-degree review tools of 2023.

  1. SpiderGap
  2. SurveySparrow
  3. Survey Monkey
  4. Alchemer
  5. Qualtrics
  6. Trakstar
  7. Typeform
  8. 15five
  9. Hi5
  10. Zonka Feedback

1. SpiderGap

SpiderGap - Best Tools For 360-Degree Feedback

Spider Gap is a 360-degree feedback online assessment tool that focuses on delivering easy-to-understand and use reports. It helps HR professionals save time in analyzing and interpreting feedback. The same time can be given to identifying skill gaps and training needs and planning.

It is easy to use and customizable. It has good customer service, and reports are easy to interpret.

It has been rated between 4 and 5 stars on most software review websites.

2. SurveySparrow

SurveySparrow - Best Tools For 360-Degree Feedback

SurveySparrow has multiple features:

  • Creating custom feedback surveys
  • Inviting employees for a 360-degree evaluation
  • Tracking assessment in the employee portal
  • Backing appraisals with performance reviews
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SurveySparrow is a result-oriented, mobile-first feedback survey tool for 360-degree reviews and claims to get you 40% better response rates. It offers value for money, ease of use, good customer service, and a chat-like experience for the users.

Most software websites have given this tool a rating of more than 4 stars.

3. Survey Monkey

Survey Monkey - Best Tools For 360-Degree Feedback

Survey Monkey is a global market leader in platforms for surveys. Its customers are organizations of all sizes, and the company has 17 million active users worldwide. It has a  plethora of survey templates that are attractive, easy to understand, and compelling, 

There are 3 plans to choose from, including a free version. 

It has a 4.5-star rating and above on multiple platforms and from thousands of users.

4. Alchemer

Alchemer - Best Tools For 360-Degree Feedback

Alchemer is a feedback management software with multiple survey-based applications. Its prime positioning is for market researchers trying to understand their prospects. However, HR has found this helpful in collecting and managing employee feedback too, as a part of the 360-degree appraisal system.

It positions itself as a less complicated but more elaborate software as compared to survey tools like Survey Monkey. From designing surveys to analyzing results, it has the ability to give you the required interpretation to measure and manage employee performance through 360-degree feedback.

This software is also rated above 4.5 stars by reputed websites.

5. Qualtrics

Qualtrics - Best Tools For 360-Degree Feedback

This software helps you design the right feedback survey by asking the right questions and, subsequently, getting the desired answers. They have multiple products, including one for employee engagement, that help get employee feedback at scale.

It also provides a personalized experience and actionable insights that drive results. Specially designed for complex organization structures, this tool automates a lot of the feedback management process, making it much easier to manage for HR. 

However, this comes at a cost that not many companies may be willing to invest in. So it is a perfect solution for medium to larger organizations. Websites have given this employee experience and survey software an above 4 rating.

6. Trakstar

Trakstar - Best Tools For 360-Degree Feedback

Trackstar is an all-encompassing employee performance management software. It has many tools, including performance management software that focuses on reviews, engagement surveys, and goal tracking. It includes 360-degree reviews for multiple managers, peers, and other stakeholders. 

It also has seamless integrations with multiple software like bambooHR, paylocity, ADP workforce, etc. It is a great platform for small and medium-sized businesses that want to automate their employee 360-degree feedback system.

Multiple websites have given this feedback tool a 4 to 4.5-star rating.

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7. Typeform

Typeform - Best Tools For 360-Degree Feedback

It is a Spanish software that specializes in building online forms for surveys. The great look and feel of customizable forms help improve the response rate to a great extent. It has a user-friendly interface with options for adding quizzes, forms, surveys, etc. It helps in creating very interactive and engaging 360-degree feedback surveys. 

It has the possibility of hundreds of integrations and is responsive to multiple devices. The price range is highly affordable, making it a software used by millions. 

Software review websites have rated this software with more than 4.5 stars.

8. 15five

15five - Best Tools For 360-Degree Feedback

15five calls itself a holistic performance management company. Its platform enables HR teams to conduct end-to-end continuous employee performance management easily. It enables HR to turn insights into meaningful outcomes by tracking OKRs and identifying upskilling needs.

Its platform enrolls more than 3400 organizations, including big names like Hubspot, Spotify, WPengine, etc. 

An above 4.5-star rating across multiple software review websites speaks about this robust platform’s effectiveness.

9. Hi5

Hi5 - Best Tools For 360-Degree Feedback

Do not confuse this with the dating app, is an HR tool to unlock company culture and provide ongoing recognition to employees. It helps managers get valuable insights into employee performance and team culture. The same is measured against set performance goals that help in employee recognition.

This program has Hi5 for team managers and their team members, making it highly interactive, engaging, and continuous.

An average of 4.5 rating by multiple websites makes this a tool you must evaluate before finalizing the performance management software for your company.

10. Zonka Feedback

Zonka Feedback - Best Tools For 360-Degree Feedback

It is a simple tool to conduct customized surveys. Though they promote themselves predominantly as a tool to measure customer satisfaction, this feedback solution is extensively used by HR for conducting employee reviews too. 

It has most of the expected features of designing customized surveys for various purposes. But, what stands out for this tool is its availability in almost 40 languages across the globe, the different types of surveys that can be conducted, its integrations, its omnichannel mechanism, a unified response box, and its automated workflow possibility. 

4.8 stars rating by software review websites is subtle proof of its outstanding performance.


There are multiple tools to automate employee performance measurement and management for companies of different sizes, structures, and cultures. Carefully evaluating each of them before implementing them is crucial. Do ask for a demo to understand these better and find out how they can help your company and what value they can provide to your HR team.

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